Teunis van Willegen

(male) age: unknown


Pieter van Willegen
* on 01-11-1914 in Gameren
† on 13-09-1973 in Ammerzoden [] on 17-09-1973 in Well
X on 02-08-1934 te Gameren Mother:
Dirkje Maria van Pouderoijen
* on 12-12-1914 in Nieuwaal, Gameren
† on 14-10-1998 in Well, Ammerzoden [] on 19-10-1998 in Well

Brothers and sisters: 10
Jan Gijsbert van Willegen
Maria van Willegen
Cornelis Willem van Willegen
Pieter Dirk van Willegen
Gijsberta van Willegen
Dirk Cornelis van Willegen
Dirkje Cornelia van Willegen
Jan van Willegen
Levenloos van Willegen
Dirk van Willegen

Note: Age of witnesses are at time of the event, other ages are at time of death or on 23-07-2024.

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